The programme for Edinburgh’s Research Seminar in Classics has been announced.
Lectures without an asterisk start at 5.10 pm, in the Teviot Lecture Theatre (Old Medical School, Doorway 5). Lectures with an asterisk are organised by the Classical Association of Scotland and start at 6 pm, in the Meadows Lecture Theatre (Old Medical School, Doorway 4).
22/01 Anja Slawisch (Edinburgh) ‘Death on the road to Didyma: Finds from the archaic necropolis at Milesian Panormos’
29/01 Emma Greensmith (Oxford) ‘Epic without end? Denying closure in imperial Greek epic’ (in Appleton Tower LT 1!)
05/02 Margherita Facella (Pisa) ‘Velut divisione orbis cum Romanis facta: Searching for Parthian cultural influence in Commagene’
12/02 Matilda Brown & Alex Imrie (Edinburgh) ‘Keeping it in the family: Re-evaluating the role of the Emesene Severans’
19/02 Caillan Davenport (Sydney) ‘Imperial imposters in the Roman world’
26/02 Gunnel Ekroth (Uppsala) ‘A leg of lamb or a slice of pork? Portioning practices at Greek feasts’
04/03 Wolfgang de Melo (Oxford) ‘Style in Roman comedy’*
11/03 Markus Scholz (Frankfurt) ‘The greed for silver. Roman military installations and mining beyond the Rhine in the first century AD’
18/03 Carlos Machado (St Andrews) ‘Roman aristocrats, imperial officers, and the invention of orthodoxy in late antique Rome?’
25/03 Julian Gallego (Buenos Aires) ‘Land for the Athenian poor: The politics of redistribution outside Attica during the 5th century BC’
01/04 Irene S. Lemos (Oxford) ‘Resilience, transformation, and sustainability: Greece from the end of the Late Bronze to the Early Iron Age’*
22/04 Eric Cullhed (Uppsala) ‘Aesthetic properties in Greek and Roman thought’ (at 4.30 pm, in the Meadows LT!),
followed by:
Elizabeth Jeffreys, ‘From Homer to Diogenis Akritis: Epics on the Byzantine frontier’*
All are welcome!