11 May 2024 Start
12 May 2024 End
UK Conference Aston, on the Aston University site, Birmingham


Ancient Historians’ Annual meeting, Birmingham

May 11-12, 2024

The 2024 UK Ancient Historians’ Annual Meeting will take place on 11–12th May at the Aston University conference centre in central Birmingham. Details below. Bookings (to [email protected]) by 12 noon on Thursday 25 April.

This is the prime opportunity for all ancient historians in the UK, whatever their specialism, to meet, explore ideas, and exchange views, formally and informally. Early-career ancient historians and those recently appointed to posts are particularly encouraged to attend. The event is open both to those in or retired from university posts and to others at post-doctoral level.


Saturday 11 May

1.00 Lunch

2.30–4.30 p.m. Discussion: Making Ancient History work in changing institutional contexts. For a variety of different reasons, UK Universities have been grouping Ancient History with various other subjects. How can these ‘shotgun marriages’ be made to work to Ancient History’s advantage? This will be a panel discussion led by some of those with experience of teaching Ancient History in a range of institutional contexts, led by Emma Aston (Reading), Kelli Rudolph (Kent), and April Pudsey (Manchester Metropolitan).

4.30 pm Tea

5.00–7.00 pm Alex Antoniou (Glasgow) Father, Praetor, Consul, Augur’? – Role-differentiation and the evaluation of Roman priests

7.00 pm Bar

7.45 pm Dinner

Sunday 12 May

9.30–12 noon (with a break for coffee) Ancient Science and Ancient History: what can the study of Ancient Science contribute to our broader understanding of Ancient History? How far can the broader Ancient History background contribute to our understanding of Ancient Science? A panel discussion led by Serafina Cuomo (Durham), Kelli Rudolph (Kent) and Laurence Totelin (Cardiff).

10.15–10.45 Coffee/Tea

12.00–12.30 Information exchange/business meeting.

12.30 Lunch

The cost (including lunch on Saturday and Sunday, dinner on Saturday, bed and breakfast) will be £160.

The cost for non-residents (i.e. only Saturday or only Sunday, including lunch on whichever day (but not dinner)) will be £36.00.

Advance booking (to [email protected]) is required (but not advance payment). Please book early, and in any case not later than 12 noon on Thursday April 25th.

The meeting will be held at Conference Aston, on the Aston University site in central Birmingham, 10–15 minutes’ walk from New St. Station. See